一部享誉世界的经典剧目,横扫5 项托尼大奖,被翻译成10 余种语言在世界各地上演,百老汇和西区演出超过4000 场 ...
150min 时长 | 英文 语言 |
《音乐之声》改编自奥地利海军上校冯•特拉普 (Von Trapp) 一家的真实经历。故事发生在1938年的奥地利萨尔茨堡。修女玛利亚来到退役海军上校冯·特拉普家照顾他的七个孩子。缺少母爱的孩子们在玛利亚的引导下,重新找回了对音乐的热爱和家庭的温暖。
"A world-renowned classic with five Tony awards, which has been translated into more than 10 languages around the world. With over 4,000 performances in Broadway and West End, The Sound of Music sets a Guinness World Record as the most viewed musical in a week."
The Sound of Music is based on the real-life experience of the family of Austrian navy captain Von Trapp. The story takes place in Salzburg, Austria in 1938. Sister Maria came to the home of retired navy captain Von Trapp to take care of his seven children. Under the guidance of Maria, the children who lack maternal love found their love for music and the warmth of family again.